
Developer Guide

Table of Contents


  1. Reference to AB-3 Developer Guide

Overall Design and implementation

Main architectural diagram:

Overall architecture diagram

Do note that the Classify class is the “main” class in the diagram, with all other packages having their classes omitted for simplicity.

Project Components

UI component

The UI class handles message output for the user within the terminal.

Design considerations

InputParsing component

This component ensures that the user parses in commands in a format that makes sense, which will modify the master list.


Design considerations

Implementation and rationale


The InputParsing class is designed to handle the considerations above by breaking down the input given by the user in a well-structured process. Below is how the InputParsing class works:

  1. Splitting User Input: The Parser would take in the user’s input and split it into 2 parts, command and argument, if any. This is done using the UserInput Class.

  2. Command recognition: Depending on the command and the argument given, if any, the parser would execute the command as per defined by the program. If the command and/or argument given is invalid/undefined, the input parser would generate a message to the user, informing them of the command’s invalidity. This is done by the InputParsing Class.

  3. Argument extraction: Depending on the specific command, if an argument can be parsed into that command, the parser would understand the argument and execute the sub-command specified by the user. Should the argument be invalid, the user would be informed of the argument’s invalidity. This is also done by the InputParsing Class.

Through structuring the InputParsing class in such a manner, the application ensures that the user input is correctly parsed into executable commands for the subsequent phases of the application.

The InputParsing class uses the method below to achieve its functionality:

This method takes in the user’s input as the userCommand, the master student list, a list of the recently deleted students and the next input as parameters, which then proceeds with executing the command as associated with the user’s input.

Given below is an example of how a user may add a student to the database.

All the while these commands are being processed, the runtime database masterStudentList is being updated, and subsequently being written to the stored database under the data/studentInfo/Student_information.txt file.

Student Details

To facilitate the management of students within a tuition centre, it is imperative to have easy access and storage of important information regarding said personnel.

Seen below is a UML diagram of the relevant classes dealing with storing a student’s details within the program runtime.

This text file would have the details of the student’s name and their attributes, in the following order: subject, grade, classes taken for that subject, phone number, last paid date and remarks.

In the following component, the guide would go into detail about the implementation for writing and reading to the text file.


Design considerations

When building our implementation, we wanted our program to be able to easily access a student’s details from a student object, and vice versa.

Implementation and rationale

A Student is made up of a list of the subjects they are taking, along with relevant information one might need while managing their schedules and clienthood (maybe not gender, but who knows). Every Student object is stored in a public static StudentList that any class can call.

Storage of these details are handled via the StudentsAttributes class when the user package calls upon its methods. To ensure easy access of information from either a Student object, and be able to retrieve the Student parent when having access to an StudentAttributes object, we linked both Student and StudentAttribute.

Since both classes are referencing each other, it was easy for us to link it with the input parsing system, where we would just need a student’s name, and maybe their number if there are multiple students with the same name, to be able to edit their details.

Please see the diagram below to see how identifying a student works.


We created a parent Details class as those are information not specifically related to students. It can thus be repurposed in future updates should we wish to expand this application into a personnel management system, which would include employees of the tuition centre.

However, our current implementation is not very secure as one can access every field of a Student object just by having access to it or the StudentAttribute object, which can be done via accessing the static masterStudentList variable.In future updates, we could possibly implement a Facade Pattern to better hide sensitive details.

Design Considerations

In order to ensure the proper usage of OOP principles (such as encapsulation), we have segregated the 3 classes to read, store and handle the data.

Moreover, the regex used to separate the different types of data in the file type have been chosen in a way which would not affect normal user operation needs. If the user chooses to use the banned characters, the input parser would reject the input.

Banned characters: #,~ and -

This will prevent the user from messing with the way the program reads and writes to the text files, preventing corruption of the database due to improper usage.

Implementation and Rationale


Contains the methods to read and write student information which are used in other functions such as InputParser and Main.


Contains the restore student list method which is used to restore the previously saved information about the students which are part of the tuition centre.


Contains the relevant methods to make the required file directories for storing the text file. It checks for existing folders. If not found, it makes new folders to store text files properly.

AddStudent Component

The AddStudent class is responsible for adding a new student to the list of students. It ensures that no two students with the same name are added and checks if the attributes added are in the correct format.

Design Considerations

Implementation and Rationale

The AddStudent class contributes to the overall functionality of the application by providing a streamlined process for adding new students and ensuring data integrity within the student database.

EditStudent Component

The EditStudent class is responsible for editing the subjects or details of an existing student. This class contains the editStudent method which is called by InputParsing class when user chooses to enter edit mode for a student.

The following is a sequence diagram for an example of when editStudent is called to find and modify a student’s gender.


Design Considerations

Implementation and Rationale

The EditStudent class contributes to the overall functionality of the application by providing a holistic process for editing existing students and ensuring data integrity within the student database.

StudentSorter Component

The StudentSorter class facilitates sorting of the list of students based on various criterion. As of the latest iteration, it sorts the master list of students in the order specified by the user.


Design Considerations

Implementation and Rationale

The StudentSorter class contributes to the overall functionality of the application by providing a mechanism to organize and present student information based on user preferences.

Data Component

This section refers to DataHandler, DataReader, and DataStorage classes.

We have currently implemented a basic data handler which has the abilities to store a student’s name into a text file.

This text file is created locally on the users’ computer for easy access and retrieval.

Currently, there is a polling system set in place where every change in the list of students (eg, addition, deletion, modification) will override the current working text file on the users’ computer.

As stated above, all the names and attributes associated with each student will be saved to the main text file, named Student_Information.txt.

If the user chooses to archive a student, it would be saved to an archive file, named student_archive.txt. If the user chooses to unarchive a student, the student will be re-added to the student list and consequently be written to the main text file.

The two text files will be created under a directory called data, in which two separate file paths will be created if it is not already found on the user’s desktop.


TextFileCode Component

This section refers to TextFileHandler, TextFileParser, and TextFileReader classes. It ensures that we are able to put new files in the folder in data which is named Input Folder.

Design Considerations

Implementation and Rationale

ArchiveCommands Component

The ArchiveCommands class is responsible for transferring students from the student list to archive list and vice versa, using methods archiveStudent and unarchiveStudent. This class contains the editStudent method which is called by InputParsing class when user chooses to enter edit mode for a student.

The following is a sequence diagram for an example of when archiveStudent is called to move a student from the student list to archive.


Design Considerations

Implementation and Rationale

Product scope

Target user profile

We aim to target private tuition centres with our product, specifically smaller ones without a good system in place to track the progress of their students.

Value proposition

Classify serves as an attempt to modernise administrative tasks in education institutes, such as tuition centres or school environments.

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 new user see usage instructions refer to them when I forget how to use the application
v1.0 existing user add a student to the database utilise the functions of the program on a new student.
v1.0 existing user be able to easily update personal information for specific students such as contact details and emergency contacts contact them or their parents easily.
v1.0 existing user track when a student last paid their fees know whether to remind their parents about payment.
v1.0 existing user track the number of classes a student has attended track their participation and corresponding fees to pay.
v1.0 existing user search for students by name in the system readily pull up data when asked.
v1.0 existing user input remarks for any student check for any special considerations.
v2.0 existing user store my data in a file transfer data between computers.
v2.0 existing user sort the students by different attributes compare them at a glance.
v2.0 existing user quickly archive and unarchive students easily remove them from the database when they take long absences or go on holidays.
v2.0 existing user delete a student from the database stop tracking them when they have outgrown the age limits of the tuition.
v2.0 existing user undo a delete action quickly recover a student that I may have accidentally deleted
v2.0 existing user add students with different names add students with the same name without a numerical identifier behind.
v2.0 existing user sort all students by classes attended track who will likely score the highest in their national examinations.
v2.0 existing user edit subject details for students stop tracking these subjects when they are no longer being taken.
v2.0 existing user sort students by their subjects taken know who exactly are taking those subjects
v2.1 existing user add students with the same subject and classes attended add a list of students taking the same class

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance:
    • The system should respond to user actions within 1 second under normal operating conditions.
    • The system should encompass all basic data types that an administrator would need to know about a student to register them for classes in the tuition centre.
  2. Reliability:
    • In the event the program crashes, the data that was last updated into the storage should not be destroyed.
  3. Scalability:
    • The system should be designed to accommodate future growth in the number of students.
  4. Usability:
    • The user interface should be intuitive and easy to navigate, requiring minimal training for users to become proficient.
    • Error messages should be clear and informative, guiding users on how to resolve issues.
  5. Compatibility:
    • It should be platform-independent, allowing users to access it from different operating systems.
  6. Maintainability:
    • The codebase should be well-documented and follow coding standards to facilitate future maintenance and enhancements.
    • Logging and monitoring mechanisms should be in place to track system usage and identify potential issues.
  7. Data Management:
    • File saving should be done whenever a change has been made to the Master List.

Instructions for manual testing

Adding a student to the student list

  1. Adding a student with a name and phone number only
    1. Prerequisites: View if a student with the name ‘joe’ and phone number ‘88888888’ exists by using the view joe command.
    2. Test case: add joe and when prompted for phone number enter 88888888, while pressing enter to skip other optional fields.
      Expected: view joe now shows the Student details of a student with Name: joe, Phone Number: 88888888.
      Other fields that were left blank will reflect ‘Unknown’ or for date fields, today’s date.
    3. Test case: add and when prompted for Name, joe. 88888888 when prompted for phone number, press enter to skip other fields.
      Expected: view joe shows the same results as when a student was added via add joe.

Viewing a student’s details

  1. View a student who has been added to the student list
    1. Prerequisites: Add one student named ‘joe’ to the list with the add command
    2. Test case: view joe
      Expected: Student’s details shown correspond to the details input when add was used to add a student.

Deleting a student from the student list

  1. Deleting a student that exists in the student list
    1. Prerequisites: Add one student named ‘joe’ to the list with the add command
    2. Test case: delete joe
      Expected: view joe shows Student not found!
      list followed by enter, enter again, and 1 which displays a list of all students, does not show any student named ‘joe’.

Displaying a list of students

  1. Listing all students enrolled in the tuition centre
    1. Prerequisites: Have at least one student added to the list with the add command
    2. Test case: list, enter, enter, 1
      Expected: A list of all students that are enrolled in the tuition centre is printed.
  2. Listing all students with a specific subject in the tuition centre
    1. Prerequisites: Have at least one student with the subject ‘Math’ added to the list with the add command
    2. Test case: list, Math
      Expected: A list of all the students with the subject ‘Math’ in the tuition centre is printed.
  3. Listing all students that have been deleted in the current session
    1. Prerequisites: Delete at least one student in the list with the delete command
    2. Test case: list, enter, enter, 5
      Expected: A list of all students that have been deleted in the current session is printed.

Processing a Test File

  1. No file in inputFolder
    1. Prerequisites: Empty inputFolder folder in Data.
    2. Expected: No files in your Input Folder! & Please add some new files in the correct format!. Should be redirected to the main commands menu.
  2. No text file in inputFolder
    1. Prerequisites: inputFolder folder in Data with no text files.
    2. Expected: Files in your inputFolder are not Text Files! & Add some text files and try processing again!. Should be redirected to the main commands menu.
  3. Ingesting a full list of Students using a Text File (without using file extension)
    1. Prerequisites: Have at least one text file in the inputFolder in Data. The text file present (e.g. File.txt) is properly formatted according to the requirements stated in the User Guide and is present in the inputFolder.
    2. Test case: Process, enter, File Expected: Fetching the data from File.txt. will be displayed. Can use the list, enter, enter, 1 to ensure that all the students in the file are added.
  4. Ingesting a full list of Students using a Text File (using file extension)
    1. Prerequisites: Have at least one text file in the inputFolder in Data. The text file present (e.g. File.txt) is properly formatted according to the requirements stated in the User Guide and is present in the inputFolder.
    2. Test case: Process, enter, File.txt Expected: Fetching the data from File.txt. will be displayed. Can use the list, enter, enter, 1 to ensure that all the students in the file are added.

Restoring a recently deleted student

  1. Restore a student from the recently deleted list
    1. Prerequisites: Have at least one student named ‘joe’ deleted in the current session with the delete joe command
    2. Test case: restore joe
      Expected: view joe will display the attributes that ‘joe’ had before being deleted.
      ‘joe’ will be shown in any lists that specify attributes they possess.

Undoing the latest deletion

  1. Undo two deletes successively
    1. Prerequisites: Have at least two students deleted in the current session with the delete command
    2. Test case: undo, then undo again
      Expected: undo will restore the latest deletion, the second undo will restore the first deletion.

Archiving/unarchiving a student

1. Archiving a student:

  1. Prerequisites: Add 2 students named ‘tim’ and ‘joe’ to the student list.
  2. Test Case: archive joe Expected: ‘joe’ will be removed from student list and will appear in the list of students added to the archive.
  3. Test Case: archive, tim
    Expected: ‘tim’ will be removed from student list and will appear in the list of students added to the archive.

2. Unarchiving a student:

  1. Prerequisites: Have 2 students named ‘tim’ and ‘joe’ already archived.
  2. Test Case: unarchive joe Expected: ‘joe’ will be removed from archive and added back to student list.
  3. Test Case: unarchive, tim
    Expected: ‘tim’ will be removed from archive and added back to student list.

3. Archiving/unarchiving student that does not exist:

  1. Prerequisites: Have an empty student list
  2. Test Case: archive joe Expected: Error message printed for no student found and prompts for new command.
  3. Test Case: unarchive, tim
    Expected: Error message printed for no student found and prompts for new command.

Editing a student’s details

1. Entering edit mode for an existing student:

  1. Prerequisites: Add student named ‘tim’ to the student list with the add command.
  2. Test Case: edit, tim Expected: Name will be prompted first, then edit mode will be initiated for student ‘tim’.
  3. Test Case: edit tim Expected: Edit mode will be initiated for student ‘tim’.

2. Adding single or multiple subjects to an existing student

  1. Prerequisites: Add student ‘tim’ and initiate edit mode for ‘tim’.
  2. Test Case: 1, CS2113, 11, 1, no Expected: ‘tim’ has subject ‘CS2113’ with marks ‘11’ and ‘1’ class attended.
  3. Test Case: 1, CS2030, enter, enter, yes, CS2040, enter, enter, no Expected: ‘tim’ has subjects ‘CS2030’ and ‘CS2040’ with no marks and attendance.
  4. Test Case: 1, enter Expected: Returns to edit mode for ‘tim’ and no changes in subjects are made for ‘tim’.

3. Testing invalid entries for editing student

  1. Prerequisites: Add student ‘tim’ with subjects ‘CS2113’, ‘CS2040’ and phone number ‘88888888’ and initiate edit mode for ‘tim’.
  2. Test Case: 1, cs2113 Expected: Returns to edit mode for ‘tim’, no new subject added and error message printed for adding existing subject.
  3. Test Case: 2, CS2113, CS2040 Expected: Prints error message for existing subject and new subject name is prompted to update ‘CS2113’.
  4. Test Case: 3, CG2023 Expected: Prints error message for no subject found and prompts for another subject name to delete.
  5. Test Case: 4, 11111111 Expected: Prints invalid phone number error message and prompts for another phone number.
  6. Test Case: 6, 20 jan 2001 Expected: Prints error message for invalid date and prompts for another date.